Papel de los sistemas de gestión ambiental en la transición ecológica del sector de los aceites de oliva en Andalucía

Supervised by:
  1. Manuel Parras Rosa Director
  2. Eva María Murgado Armenteros Co-director
  3. Fatiha Fort Co-director

Defence university: Universidad de Jaén

Fecha de defensa: 16 February 2021

  1. Fatiha Fort Chair
  2. Manuela Vega Zamora Secretary
  3. Loïc Sauvée Committee member
  4. Pilar Alarcón Urbistondo Committee member
  5. Alma López-Avilés Committee member

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 679773 DIALNET


The general objective of this thesis is to know the behaviour of olive oil producing companies in Andalusia towards the adoption of quality, environmental and food safety standards, as well as to analyse the influence of the adoption of the ISO 14001 standard on performance economic and commercial activity of olive oil producing companies in Andalusia. Further, their implication in organizational economic and financial benefits. The results of this work endorse the commercial function of the standards –ISO 9001, ISO 14001, BRC, IFS, ISO 22000- in the olive industry, and they can are considered a marketing tool. These accreditations provide an intangible value for companies that allows overcoming the asymmetry of information, especially in international markets, allowing companies in the olive industry a higher sale, both in national and international markets. Regarding the benefits and financial profitability, although in the studies where cooperatives and non-cooperatives have been considered such a relationship could not be affirmed, in the study focused only on cooperatives it has been possible to demonstrate that the adoption of voluntary environmental behaviour and its accreditation. Through the ISO 14001 standard, it has a positive influence on the financial performance of the organization and on its business results.