Antiviral properties of polylactic acid and nano-TiO2 for 3D printing

  1. López-Camacho, Anyul 2
  2. José Grande, María 3
  3. Carazo-Álvarez, Daniel 2
  4. La Rubia, M.Dolores 1
  1. 1 Chemical, Environmental and Materials Engineering Department, University of Jaén, Spain
  2. 2 Mechanical and Mining Engineering Department, University of Jaén, Campus Las Lagunillas s/n, Jaén, Spain
  3. 3 Health Sciences Department, University of Jaén, Spain
Materials Letters

ISSN: 0167-577X

Ano de publicación: 2024

Volume: 372

Páxinas: 137039

Tipo: Artigo

DOI: 10.1016/J.MATLET.2024.137039 GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openAcceso aberto editor

Outras publicacións en: Materials Letters


Throughout history, viruses have consistently adapted to survive and spread. Understanding airborne transmission and surface survival emphasizes the necessity for antiviral materials. This study demonstrates virucidal reduction of human Coronavirus 229E and Feline Calicivirus on a polylactic acid and titanium dioxide nanoparticle composite with photocatalytic activity and UV activation. Mechanical properties and UV spectroscopy are also examined, suggesting the potential of the composite in medical and food applications through additive manufacturing.

Información de financiamento


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