Análisis de diferentes factores psicosociales en la formación del profesorado

Supervised by:
  1. María Luisa Zagalaz Sánchez Director
  2. Javier Rafael Cachon Zagalaz Co-director

Defence university: Universidad de Jaén

Fecha de defensa: 27 March 2023

  1. Carmen González González de Mesa Chair
  2. Amador Jesús Lara Sánchez Secretary
  3. Félix Zurita Ortega Committee member

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 819929 DIALNET


This doctoral thesis is composed of five publications that analyse different psychosocial factors in teacher education. These factors are self-concept, emotional intelligence and perceived stress. In addition, the influence of other variables such as the use of mobile phones and the practice of physical activity have also been taken into account. The total number of participants was 890 university students and the instruments used were the "Self-Concept Form 5", "Questionnaire of Mobile-Related Experiences", "Trait Meta-Mood Scale" and "Perceived Stress Scale", as well as a self-recording sheet, which collects information on personal and socio-demographic variables. For data analysis, SPSS statistical software versions 22.0 and 24.0 were used. The results show that there is a relationship between the different variables analysed, making it necessary to pay attention to these issues during the training stage of the future teacher.