Uso de la reserva de agua del suelo en las estrategias de riego en el olivar de Jaén
- Francisco José Pérez Latorre Directeur
Université de défendre: Universidad de Jaén
Fecha de defensa: 21 novembre 2022
- Juan Antonio Rodríguez Díaz President
- Encarnación Moral Pajares Secrétaire
- Mireia Corell González Rapporteur
Type: Thèses
Irrigated agriculture is the main consumer of water in the world, using more than 70% of available water resources. On the other hand, agriculture in general and irrigated agriculture in particular, especially olive groves, are very sensitive and especially vulnerable to periods of drought and extreme phenomena whose climatic projections predict an increase in both duration and intensity. The objective of our work has been the improvement of water efficiency and reduction of stress periods affecting the crop through the selection of different strategies, calendars and schedules. Finally, using GIS techniques, we have developed a methodology for the determination and evaluation of variations in water needs and water availability for the crop from public data sources that are easily accessible, fully adaptable to other crops and scalable according to the level of detail and accuracy required.