Involvement of reactive nitrogen and Oxygen species (RNS and ROS) in sunflower-mildew interaction (Plant Cell Physiology (2009) 50:2 (265-279) DOI:10.1093/pcp/pcn196)

  1. Chaki, M.
  2. Fernández-Ocaña, A.M.
  3. Valderrama, R.
  4. Carreras, A.
  5. Esteban, F.J.
  6. Luque, F.
  7. Gómez-Rodríguez, M.V.
  8. Begara-Morales, J.C.
  9. Corpas, F.J.
  10. Barroso, J.B.
Plant and Cell Physiology

ISSN: 0032-0781 1471-9053

Datum der Publikation: 2009

Ausgabe: 50

Nummer: 3

Seiten: 665-679

Art: Erratum

DOI: 10.1093/PCP/PCP039 GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openOpen Access editor

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