Publicacións (42) Publicacións de GABINO JIMÉNEZ CASTILLO


  1. Monitoring Electrical and Weather Parameters in Photovoltaic Bifacial Systems

    Springer Proceedings in Earth and Environmental Sciences (Springer Nature), pp. 546-553

  2. Monitoring Electrical and Weather Parameters in Photovoltaic Bifacial Systems

    Global Challenges for a Sustainable Society: EURECA-PRO The European University for Responsible Consumption and Production (Springer Suiza), pp. 546-553

  3. Performance analysis indices for Rooftop Solar Photovoltaic system

    IEEE Latin America Transactions, Vol. 21, Núm. 9, pp. 999-1006

  4. Rooftop Solar Photovoltaic Systems for Building of Industrial

    Springer Proceedings in Earth and Environmental Sciences (Springer Nature), pp. 414-422

  5. Rooftop Solar Photovoltaic Systems for Building of Industrial

    Global Challenges for a Sustainable Society: EURECA-PRO The European University for Responsible Consumption and Production (Springer Suiza), pp. 414-422

  6. Rooftop photovoltaic systems. New parameters for the performance analysis from monitored data based on IEC 61724

    Energy and Buildings, Vol. 295


  1. A challenge for the beginning of research: sensors and their experimental data

    15th International Conference of Technology, Learning and Teaching of Electronics, TAEE 2022 - Proceedings

  2. Estudio de la implantación de sistemas autoconsumo fotovoltaico en centros educativos.

    Libro de actas TAEE 2022 XV Congreso de Tecnología, Aprendizaje y Enseñanza de la Electrónica: Livro de procedimentos TAEE 2022 XV Conferência em Tecnologia, Aprendizagem e Ensino da Eletrónica=Proceedings book TAEE 2022 XV International Conference of Technology, Learning and Teaching of Electronics

  3. Study of the implementation of photovoltaic self-consumption systems in educational centres

    15th International Conference of Technology, Learning and Teaching of Electronics, TAEE 2022 - Proceedings

  4. Un reto para el inicio de la investigación: los sensores y sus datos experimentales.

    Libro de actas TAEE 2022 XV Congreso de Tecnología, Aprendizaje y Enseñanza de la Electrónica: Livro de procedimentos TAEE 2022 XV Conferência em Tecnologia, Aprendizagem e Ensino da Eletrónica=Proceedings book TAEE 2022 XV International Conference of Technology, Learning and Teaching of Electronics


  1. A new approach based on economic profitability to sizing the photovoltaic generator in self-consumption systems without storage

    Renewable Energy, Vol. 148, pp. 1017-1033

  2. Curación de Contenidos y Entornos Personales de Aprendizaje como herramienta de aprendizaje en Ingeniería Electrónica

    XIV Congreso de Tecnologías Aplicadas a la Enseñanza de la Electrónica: Proceedings TAEE 2020 = XIV Conferência em Tecnologias Aplicadas ao Ensino da Eletrónica = XIV Conference on Technology, Teaching and Learning of Electronics

  3. Development of a prototype for monitoring photovoltaic self-consumption systems

    Electronics (Switzerland), Vol. 9, Núm. 1