Hansenula Polymorpha Yeast Driven Fermentation of Pure Sugars for Alcohols Production

  1. Adnan Asad KARIM 1
  2. M.L. Martínez-Cartas 2
  3. M. Cuevas-Aranda 2
  1. 1 University of Jaen, Chemical, Environmental and Materials Engineering Dpt., SPAIN
  2. 2 University of Jaen, Linares, SPAIN
32nd European Biomass Conference & Exhibition

Argitaletxea: https://programme.eubce.com/abstract.php?idabs=21309&idses=1624&idtopic=23

Argitalpen urtea: 2024

Mota: Biltzar ekarpena


Bio-alcohols could be used for both industrial and energy applications. However, the production of bio-alcohols depends on the sugars present in the biomass hydrolysate and the performance of the microbes (like yeast) during fermentation. For research advancement, the present work investigated the wild type H. polymorpha strain (DSM70277) to ferment sugars (glucose, fructose, and xylose) for the production of ethanol at high temperature (40 °C) and limited aeration condition. H. polymorpha appears to grow better and produce more ethanol from glucose and fructose than in xylose, under the conditions studied. The initial concentration of inoculum seems to have an influence on the rate of growth of the yeast. Fermentation time was the dominant factor for the production of ethanol, which was relatively shorter for glucose and fructose, than xylose. Overall, this study revealed that fructose can also be used as an alternative to glucose for H. polymorpha cultivation and the production of ethanol.