Precariedad en la investigación y docencia de las artespropuestas para la mejora yel cambio desde la reflexiónautobiográfica.
Publisher: Servicio de Publicaciones ; Universidad del País Vasco = Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea
ISBN: 978-84-9082-929-5
Year of publication: 2018
Pages: 101-114
Congress: Prekariart (1. 2018. Bilbao)
Type: Conference paper
All research arises from interrogation, from a question. In this case, it is: What is the role of the arts in the social changes of contemporaneity?; what is the role of the artist, of the researcher in the field of the arts, of the art teacher in society?, what and how, all this, part of your life?, can you live from art?, can you survive in artistic research and/or teaching? There are different ways of being an artist and the role of a/r/tography in the educational field of the arts is increasingly defended: the artist-researcherteacher. But, what is their experience? While much of the graduates in Fine Arts end up teaching as a professional activity, we are not prepared for it, even more, most, at least in principle, reject it. But, if there is no teacher, there will be no students. This is a proposal of autobiographical reflection on the precariousness in research and teaching of the arts, causes and ways to revalue them, the methodologies to do so. There is a need to organize from the resistance, from a social and critical revolution that allows evolution.