Optimisation of sugar and solid biofuel co-production from almond tree prunings by acid pretreatment and enzymatic hydrolysis
- Cuevas-Aranda, Manuel 1
Martínez-Cartas, Mª Lourdes
- Mnasser, Fahd 1
- Karim, Adnan Asad 1
- Sánchez, Sebastián 1
- 1 Department of Chemical, Environmental and Materials Engineering, University of Jaén, Avda. de La Universidad s/n, 23700, Linares, Spain
ISSN: 2197-4365
Année de publication: 2024
Volumen: 11
Número: 1
Type: Article
D'autres publications dans: Bioresources and Bioprocessing
Almond pruning biomass is an important agricultural residue that has been scarcely studied for the co-production of sugars and solid biofuels. In this work, the production of monosaccharides from almond prunings was optimised by a two-step process scheme: pretreatment with dilute sulphuric acid (0.025 M, at 185.9–214.1 ℃ for 0.8–9.2 min) followed by enzyme saccharification of the pretreated cellulose. The application of a response surface methodology enabled the mathematical modelling of the process, establishing pretreatment conditions to maximise both the amount of sugar in the acid prehydrolysate (23.4 kg/100 kg raw material, at 195.7 ℃ for 3.5 min) and the enzymatic digestibility of the pretreated cellulose (45.4%, at 210.0 ℃ for 8.0 min). The highest overall sugar yield (36.8 kg/100 kg raw material, equivalent to 64.3% of all sugars in the feedstock) was obtained with a pretreatment carried out at 197.0 ℃ for 4.0 min. Under these conditions, moreover, the final solids showed better properties for thermochemical utilisation (22.0 MJ/kg heating value, 0.87% ash content, and 72.1 mg/g moisture adsorption capacity) compared to those of the original prunings.
Information sur le financement
Agencia de Innovación y Desarrollo de Andalucía
- 2021/00591/001
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