La intendencia de Jaén en el siglo XIXtránsito del Antiguo Régimen a la etapa liberal

Dirigida per:
  1. Francisco Acosta Ramírez Director
  2. Miguel Ángel Chamocho Cantudo Codirector

Universitat de defensa: Universidad de Jaén

Fecha de defensa: 08 de de novembre de 2023

  1. María José Ramos Rovi President/a
  2. Francisco José Pérez-Schmid Fernández Secretari
  3. Sara Moreno Tejada Vocal

Tipus: Tesi

Teseo: 829265 DIALNET


This doctoral thesis focuses on the study of the Transition from the Old Regime to the Liberal Stage, with emphasis on the role of the mayors in the province of Jaén between 1808 and 1849. Current historiography has mainly investigated the political, economic and social changes of this period, paying less attention to tax changes and the role of mayors at the provincial level. The main objective is to analyze the evolution of the provincial administration in Jaén from the beginning of the 18th century to the middle of the 19th century, highlighting the link of the mayors with the arrival of the Bourbons and their influence on the tax reforms. In addition, the collaboration of the mayors with the municipal and provincial institutions during the liberal governments will be explored, as well as their jurisdiction in the return to Absolutism. This research seeks to fill the historiographic gap about this institution in the province of Jaén and highlight its historical importance.