Lliure circulació de productes i protecció del consumidor en l'àmbit de la seguretat alimentàriaAntecedents del control de la seguretat alimentària respecte al dret de protecció dels consumidors

Supervised by:
  1. Roser Martínez Quirante Director

Defence university: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Fecha de defensa: 21 June 2021

  1. Carlos Padrós Reig Chair
  2. Ana María Troncoso González Secretary
  3. Antonio Gálvez del Postigo Ruiz Committee member

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 754741 DIALNET lock_openTDX editor


The food legislation, which is the body that regulates all aspects of food relations, but especially food safety, has been obliged to adapt to new circumstances derived from the appearance of food crises in the EU in the In the 90s, it is now obliged to incorporate the risk analysis system, in several different phases (assessment, management and communication of the risk) to introduce as an objective to advise a high level of protection of consumer health. The analysis of the evolution of this new situation, its antecedents and studies how it has evolved and regulated in the area of food, the consumer's drets and the level of protection granted by the food legislation, així as that which regulates and protectsix els seus drets fonamentals. The direct relationship between food and consumer health determines a degree of vulnerability higher than that of qualsevol altre product of consumer. The analytical research also evolved that they have, both the concept of consumer, consumer mitjà and vulnerable consumer; I, at the same time, the concept of food safety, which includes different factors that see how they affect the protection of the final consumer. I d'altra banda, the investigation analyzes the aspects that also determine a protection of the market, and how this can be seen to be detrimental to the lack of observation of the consumer's drets. In order to assess the aspects that protect the health and safety of the final consumer, analyze those structures that have been established to carry out an adequate control of the food legislation, of the evaluation of the food safety and of the compliance of the mateixa per part of the alimentary operators, carried out a special study of the situation in Catalonia, as an example of the structure that on the control of foodstuffs is developed in Spain, and of those structures or organizations that report determinations of risks in order to prevent damage additionals. In the same way, an analysis of the responsibility derived from the non-conformity of the food and in this way are systems of prevention of the risk, with the development and implantation of the denominats delictes de risc, also present in the area of linked public health both the production, distribution, commercialization of food. In the same way, the purpose of consumer protection is to use the precautionary principle or it results from the application of the principle of mutual reconnection and circulation of products to the EU. In order to finalize, we proceed to the study of an approximate legal system with the development of the USA with respect to food safety, to the conceptualization of food determinations generally safe to address a specific issue of the legal system, but what repercussions internationals, as is that of * food * defense, the fundamental objective of which is also to preserve the health of the citizenry, in that case, intentional acts are involved in the ones that are used for foodstuffs with mitjà to produce terrorist acts. The study aimed to analyze the consumer protection situation, through the evolution of the definition of the seva itself. and that of food safety, the adaptation of which has also determined a better level of protection, which faces potential, as we have verified the current pandemic situation derived from SARS-COV-2.