Relación entre sintomatología emocional, estrés laboral, síndrome de burnout y flexibilidad psicológica en el personal de enfermería del sistema público andaluz
- María José Calero García Directora
- María Belén García Martín Codirector/a
Universitat de defensa: Universidad de Jaén
Fecha de defensa: 08 de de juliol de 2022
- María Luisa Grande Gascón Presidenta
- Ana Raquel Ortega Martínez Secretària
- María Paz García Caro Vocal
Tipus: Tesi
The aim of this study was to analyse the relationship between work-related stressors, emotional symptomatology, Burnout syndrome and psychological flexibility in nursing staff. The sample consisted of 980 participants. The NSS, DASS-21, MBI and AAQ-II questionnaires were performed in this comparative correlational study. Significant negative correlations between psychological flexibility and work-related stressors, work stress, emotional symptomatology and Burnout were found. Significant negative correlations between age and anxiety and work-related stress were observed; as well as between work-related stressors and age. The rotating shift was associated with higher levels of anxiety and work stress, and the day shift with higher levels of depression. Community nurses scored less work-related stress, emotional symptomatology and Burnout, and reported a higher level of personal accomplishment. Psychological flexibility seems to explain a significant prevalence of emotional symptomatology and acts as a predictor variable of Burnout in nursing staff. Three predictive models appear for each Burnout dimension in nurses.