Estudio gráfico de las deformaciones producidas en las proyecciones cartográficas acimutales perspectivas

  1. F. J. Gallego Álvarez
  2. José Manuel Valderrama Zafra
Proceedings of XIII ADM-XV INGEGRAF International Conference on Tools and Methods Evolution in Engineering Design [Recurso electrónico]: Cassino, June 3rd, 2003 ; Napoli, June 4th and June 6th, 2003 ; Salerno, June 5th, 2003.

Publisher: Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II

Year of publication: 2003

Congress: Congreso Internacional de Ingeniería Gráfica (INGEGRAF) / International Congress INGEGRAF (15. 2003. null)

Type: Conference paper