La innovación de los vehículos eléctricos desafía la amenaza de efectos ambientales y su fiscalidad
Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
ISSN: 1132-8576
Any de publicació: 2023
Número: 1-2
Tipus: Article
Altres publicacions en: Quincena fiscal
The sustainable mobility of renewable energies is a current challenge that will change the future and an alternative for the efficient transition of electric vehicles as we move towards the decarbonisation of one of the sectors that can most affect climate change. Faced with this reality, the European Commission has set itself the objective of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 2030, in order to achieve better air quality, reducing emissions into the atmosphere and reducing excessive consumption of pollutants, making renewables one of the pillars of the continental energy system. A society that is highly aware and sensitive to environmental care, which is also transferred to the field of mobility, which is increasingly required to opt for electric cars to reduce carbon emissions in order to limit global warming, to ensure the sustainability of resources with clean and renewable sources such as wind, hydro and especially solar.
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