Documentación de LIGs a partir del uso de fotogrametría y UAS. Aplicación al Monumento Natural La Cascada de la Cimbarra (provincia de Jaén)
- L.M. Nieto 1
- J. Cardenal 1
- P.A. Ruiz-Ortiz 1
- T. Fernández 1
- J.L. Pérez-García 1
- J.M. Gómez-López 1
- C. Colomo 1
- E. Mata 1
Universidad de Jaén
ISSN: 1576-5172
Year of publication: 2016
Issue: 16
Pages: 709-712
Type: Article
More publications in: Geotemas (Madrid)
This work deals with the first results of a geological heritage project based on the combined use of close range terrestrial and aerial photogrammetric techniques and data integration in a GIS for the documentation and monitoring of geosites. The aerial techniques were supported by means of an unmanned aerial system (UAS). A natural monument, “Cascada de la Cimbarra”, in the vicinity of Despeñaperros Natural Park in the province of Jaén (Southern Spain), was selected. This geosite is located in the southernmost part of the Central Iberian Zone where Ordovician rocks crop-out. With this purpose, a multidisciplinary study is being carried out for the documentation, storing, analysis and dissemination of outstanding natural monuments in the province of Jaén. This work aims with the settings of a protocol, mainly based on the use of geomatic techniques, for obtaining products valid for metric documentation but also for the spreading and dissemination of the natural heritage.