Maneras de vivir ¿maneras de envejecer? Salud generacional en la España del siglo XX

  1. Trias-Llimós, Sergi
  2. Cámara, Antonio D.
  3. Zueras Castillo, Pilar
  4. Blanes, Amand
Papers de demografia

Année de publication: 2013

Número: 424

Type: Working Paper


The article analyses chronic health conditions (for the adult population aged between 40 and 64 years) and functional limitations (for those older than 65) with regard to the generational change which is occurring in Spain. It is important to analyse these changes in societies exposed to fast, intense changes in living standards, as has happened with Spain’s twentieth-century generations. Level of education is used to reflect these changes at the individual level, and intergenerational differences as an indicator at the contextual level. Harmonised microdata from the Encuesta Nacional de Salud de España (Spanish National Health Survey), and the Spanish sample from the European Health Survey 2009 are used. No clear tendency is observed for functional limitations between generations, although a generational effect due to environmental stress cannot be discarded. Prevalent trends towards chronic conditions show a tendency of intergenerational increase, which might be associated with changes in standard of living. Level of education is negatively correlated with chronic conditions, although a rising trend is shared by all socioeconomic segments. The results obtained show that lifestyle is a conditioning and explanatory factor for the health of the elderly population in Spain today, but more from an individual perspective than from a contextual one.

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