Aprendizaje-serviciouna propuesta pedagógica para la formación en competencias en educación superior
Universidad Católica San Antonio
Universidad de Jaén
ISSN: 1989-3558
Año de publicación: 2014
Número: 16
Páginas: 83-90
Tipo: Artículo
Otras publicaciones en: Hekademos: revista educativa digital
This study analyzes the results of a Teaching Innovation Project developed at the University of Jaén, based on the use of service-learning methodology (ApS) for the development of practices in the subject "Society, Fami-ly and School" of Elementary Education degree. Therefore, it is discussed perceptions of students towards this type of pedagogical approach to the development of generic skills set out in the European context. This is a descriptive study, carrying out data collection through an ad hoc questionnaire (n=194). It is show favorable ApS methodology in the development of research skills and group work and the development of instrumental skills covered in the learning outcomes of the course results. Thus, the experience ApS is a good practice in higher education, resulting motivating for university students to combine theory with practice and social action, sharing knowledge derived from lectures developed at the University with reality in schools.
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