La accesibilidad universal y el diseño para todas las personas factor clave para la inclusión social desde el design thinking curricular

  1. Hernández-Galán, Jesús 1
  2. de la Fuente Robles, Yolanda Mª 2
  3. Campo Blanco, Maribel 3
  1. 1 Director de Accesibilidad Universal Fundación ONCE
  2. 2 Catedràtica acreditada - Trabajo Social y Servicios Sociales Universidad de Jaén Vicerrectora Igualdad, Cultura y Cooperación al Desarrollo Universidad Internacional de Andalucía
  3. 3 Coordinadora del projecte CRUE-Fundación ONCE
Educación social: Revista de intervención socioeducativa

ISSN: 1135-8629

Year of publication: 2014

Issue Title: Diversidad funcional aportaciones sobre discapacidad e invalidez estructural

Issue: 58

Pages: 119-134

Type: Article

More publications in: Educación social: Revista de intervención socioeducativa


This article presents the design of the new training for social intervention for all from universal accessibility, specifically in terms of the social professions, through the methodology of curricular design thinking. It looks at the intimate relationship that arises from the linking of two concepts: inclusion — as a positive response to the diversity of individuals and individual differences, understanding diversity not as a problem but as an opportunity for the enrichment of society, through active participation in family life, in education, in work and generally in the whole range of social and cultural processes and in the community (UNESCO, 2005) — and accessibility, as a new paradigm of comprehensiveness in the intervention / of new professionals working in the social sector, making the concept of citizenship in the fullest sense a reality.

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