La autoestima profesional docente y su implicación en el aula
- M. Peñaherrera León 1
- J. Cachón Zagalaz 2
- A. Ortiz Colón 1
- 1 Universidad de Jaén. Departamento de Pedagogía
- 2 Universidad de Jaén. Departamento de Didáctica de la Expresión Musical, Plástica y Corporal
ISSN: 0212-6796
Year of publication: 2014
Volume: 26
Issue: 1
Pages: 52-58
Type: Article
More publications in: Magister: Revista miscelánea de investigación
Self-esteem of students seems to be a recurring theme in the scientific literature related to Education, Educational Psychology, Educational Guidance and the General Teaching. In contrast, self-esteem of teachers is an area that has been defined and understood less. Even fewer reach towards their own personal and professional development and education. The purpose of this paper is to promote reflection on the importance of self-esteem in teachers and their implication in the classroom. To facilitate this reflection on the concept of self-esteem and its reach has its definition. It then briefly introduces the notion of teacher professional self-esteem and then we focus primarily on the educational implications of having self-esteem in the classroom.