Redes sociales y formación permanente en personas mayores
ISSN: 1130-2496, 1988-2793
Year of publication: 2015
Issue Title: TIC en educación
Volume: 26
Issue: 1
Pages: 273-288
Type: Article
More publications in: Revista complutense de educación
Various socio-demographic factors are causing our society to coexist every day with a group of elderly population that remains active and inserted into the daily dynamics. However, it is believed that there are certain barriers that make this group of people to not adequately address the technologies and even social networks. The creation of the University Programs for the Elderly (PUM), however, is leading to a new stage, since older people who participate come into contact with all kinds of content and rigor, updating own university education, thus changing the way to tackle the most innovative and different situations. In this study, we analyze what is the knowledge and use of older people, PUM, attending the University of Jaen have of the social networks and the assessment made of the need for these programs. To achieve this, we used a methodology in which qualitative and quantitative processes were articulated, through the analysis of data obtained from interviews and a focus groups with program Aquad 7. The data collected show that there is still some ignorance about social networks by older people, but everyone values their usefulness and necessity. Participants believe that they will be least affected of the risks of these technologies and demand a greater training in these contained within the PUM.
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