Innovación en el grado en Trabajo Socialimplantación del sistema tipo "QUIZ"

  1. Sotomayor Morales, Eva María
  2. Fuente Robles, Yolanda María de la
Revista Atlántida: Revista Canaria de Ciencias Sociales

ISSN: 2171-4924

Year of publication: 2012

Issue: 4

Pages: 155-168

Type: Article

More publications in: Revista Atlántida: Revista Canaria de Ciencias Sociales


In this article we the implementation of the system like «quiz» in Social Work degree at the University of Jaén, as a new experience-evaluation training support within the European Higher Education Area. New tools for new methodologies of teaching more participatory and active, with the involvement of students in the development of their training.

Bibliographic References

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