Causas subyacentes de los accidentes producidos en la recolección de la aceituna en la provincia de Jaén. .Una aproximación psicosocial

  1. Antonio Palomo Monereo
  2. Manuel Pulido Martos
  3. Pedro Jesús Luque Ramos
Revista de antropología experimental

ISSN: 1578-4282

Ano de publicación: 2013

Número: 13

Páxinas: 215-241

Tipo: Artigo

Outras publicacións en: Revista de antropología experimental


Underlying causes or latent errors behind accidents affecting olive harvesting laborers are analyzed in the present paper. The different causes, extract from the discourse of participants (laborers, trade unionists, supervisors, landowners, employers, health and safety technicians) in six focus groups, are classified into individual, group, organizational and supra-organizational factors. The multidimensionality of the problem studied suggests the need of a coordinated effort held by all social agents in order to effectively improve health and safety conditions when carrying out olive harvesting tasks.

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