Datos y reflexiones para la reconstrucción paleogeográfica de un sector centro-septentrional (entre Bedmar y Jaén) de la Cordillera Bética durante el Cretácico Inferior
- Pedro A. Ruiz-Ortiz 1
- Ginés A. de Gea 1
- José Manuel Castro 1
- Fernando García-García 1
- Jose Miguel Molina 1
- Luis Miguel Nieto 1
Universidad de Jaén
ISSN: 0214-2708
Year of publication: 2014
Volume: 27
Issue: 1
Pages: 111-126
Type: Article
More publications in: Revista de la Sociedad Geológica de España
The palaeogeographic significance of some Lower Cretaceous outcrops of the Prebetic of Jaén (Bedmar - Jódar mountains and Bercho stream – Pegalajar mountains) and of the Intermediate Domain units (Cárceles – Carluco, Huelma and Jabalcuz – San Cristóbal units) is considered and analyzed. Most of the data come from previous publications of the authors which main conclusions are synthetized. The correlation of the stratigraphic and sedimentological data from different sections and units allows reaching some new interesting conclusions. Carbonate platform deposits were deposited from the early Aptian in the Bedmar – Jódar outcrop making up the only carbonate platform of Early Cretaceous age in all the Prebetic of Jaén outcrops. In the whole studied area, Early Cretaceous sedimentation was controlled by the rifting phase starting at the late Berriasian. Differential subsidence among tectonic blocks was the main geodynamic feature up to the important transgression of the late Albian - Cenomanian. This critical interval marked the change from tectonic to thermal subsidence. The outcrops of the Prebetic of Jaén show sedimentary rocks accumulated on blocks placed towards the northernmost part of the basin, which is probably in the origin of the present characteristic relief of this part of the Jaén province. Some of these blocks do not subside showing a hiatus embracing from the very early Valanginian to the late Albian. Also the existence of some emerged block where the underlying Jurassic rocks outcropped is considered. The erosion of the topographic highs made by these emerged blocks supplied clasts and boulders of Middle and Upper Jurassic sedimentary rocks making part of conglomerate deposits. These conglomerates fill in incised valleys on top of costal detached sandstones wedges of late Barremian – early Aptian age. These coastal sandstones were the probable source rock of the Cerrajón Fm turbidites outcropping in the Intermediate Domain.