Efectos del envase en la percepción de calidad de los aceites de oliva en un contexto de prueba
- Torres Ruíz, Francisco José
- Murgado Armenteros, Eva María
- Vega Zamora, Manuela
- Gutiérrez Salcedo, María
ISSN: 1988-9046
Year of publication: 2010
Issue Title: Homenaje a la Profesora Olga Senise Barrio
Issue: 1
Pages: 129-143
Type: Article
More publications in: Revista de Estudios Empresariales. Segunda época
One of the problems faced by food products, whose priority is quality, is getting recognition and appreciation from consumers, a situation applicable to olive oils. In this context, some attributes as the packaging may be as important as the product itself in the purchasing processes and consumer choice. In this piece of work, we analyze the relationship between the package and the perceived quality of olive oil by the carrying out of a test: 122 consumers have performed a real taste of the product, in similar conditions, except for the manipulation that has been done with different packaging. The results are indicative of the influence of packaging in the valuation of oil, in the sense that there is a positive relationship between the valuations of both, but it can not be considered that the fact of drawing attention to the packaging, prior to the tasting, significantly affects the valuation of the oil.
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