La disponibilidad léxica como método de detección del vocabulario y de su selección en manualesaplicación en una muestra de estudiantes sinohablantes de ELE

Dirigida por:
  1. Narciso Miguel Contreras Izquierdo Director

Universidad de defensa: Universidad de Jaén

Fecha de defensa: 28 de julio de 2017

  1. Maximiano Cortés Moreno Presidente/a
  2. María Águeda Moreno Moreno Secretaria
  3. Dimitrinka G. Níkleva Vocal

Tipo: Tesis

Teseo: 556873 DIALNET

Objetivos de desarrollo sostenible


This Ph.D. dissertation uses lexical availability to 1) describe quantitatively, qualitatively and comparatively the lexical competence of a sample of 440 Chinese learners of Spanish as a Foreign Language (SFL); and to 2) analyze the vocabulary selection of two SFL textbooks. Several methodological modifications have been included regarding the centers of interest, which represent didactic criteria, and the sociolinguistic variables, which try to account for the Mainland China`s educational idiosyncrasy. Different statistical analyses have allowed us to prove sociolinguistic factor’s significance. Likewise, through a series of contrasts of the available lexicon, we have determined the degree of correspondence with native speakers of Spanish, with other foreign students of SFL and, even, we have carried out a diachronic analysis with another Chinese-speaking sample. Finally, we have evaluated two SFL textbooks in order to establish correspondences and determine the possible impact of the most used manual in China on participants’ available lexicon.