Estudio de la transferencia de los contaminantes orgánicos al aceite de oliva virgen durante la etapa de producción
- Juan Francisco García Reyes Director
- Bienvenida Gilbert López Co-director
Defence university: Universidad de Jaén
Fecha de defensa: 23 June 2017
- Maria Dolores Gil Garcia Chair
- Evaristo Ballesteros Tribaldo Secretary
- María Jiménez Moreno Committee member
Type: Thesis
This PhD thesis studies pesticide residue transfer from olives during virgin olive oil production. The aim is to obtain a processing factor that can be applied to maximum residue levels (MRLs) established in olives by regulation (CE) 396/2005, in arder to set a MRL value for olive oil. At present, a default processing factor of 5 is being applied in olive oil to fat soluble pesticides during official control of foods in the EU. Nevertheless, definitive harmonized MRLs have not been set yet far processed foods. The processing factors obtained experimentally in this PhD thesis have been correlated to the octanol-water partition coefficient (lag Kow) of each compound. Other contaminants, namely BTEXS, have been also studied.