Efectos que tiene un programa de actividad física en el agua sobre las capacidades físicas en un grupo de personas mayores de 60 años

  1. Terán Torres, María Cristina
Supervised by:
  1. Emilio Damián Lozano Aguilera Director
  2. Juan A. Párraga Montilla Director

Defence university: Universidad de Jaén

Fecha de defensa: 10 July 2015

  1. José Manuel Mayán Santos Chair
  2. María del Carmen Jiménez Díaz Secretary
  3. Pedro Jiménez Reyes Committee member

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 394415 DIALNET lock_openRUJA editor


Physical activity is a protective factor of biophychosocial diseases in elderly. The aquatic environment provides a save place and low impact on the joint during exercise. The objective of this study is to test the effects of an aquatic physical activity program on physical abilities, body composition, perception of health, mood, cholesterol, triglycerides, basal glucose and blood pressure, in a group of adults 60 years or older from Quito-Ecuador. A group of 74 adults with a mean age 69,08 years, were subject to a multicomponent aquatic physical activity program, which had a weekly periodicity of two sessions, with three data measurements: pre-treatment, intermediate (half treatment) and post treatment. At the end of this study we came to the conclusion that a multicomponent aquatic exercise program has positive effect on body composition, basal glucose, blood pressure, physical abilities, mood and perception of health of older adults, promoting active and healthy ageing.