Las empresas born global de servicios intensivos en conocimientoun estudio de casos

Supervised by:
  1. Marta Muñoz Guarasa Director

Defence university: Universidad de Jaén

Fecha de defensa: 22 September 2017

  1. José Molero Zayas Chair
  2. Antonio Martín Mesa Secretary
  3. Mercedes Bleda Mazade Lizana Committee member

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 567073 DIALNET


With this work we propose to know the causes for which KIS become Born Global and others not, and to what extent are applicable sorne lnternationalization Theories studied so far to this type of services, Thus, after the study is proposed A Theoretical Framework that fits the KIS Born Global phenomenon to a greater extent. Under this direction, the characteristics of the companies of both knowledge-intensive services and the Born Global should be studied in depth and, from there, to determine the points common to both in order to adapt the proposed model to the KIS phenomenon Born Global. Thus, we analyze qualitatively 6 cases of KIS companies from Andalusia (2 KIS Born Global immediate, 2 KIS Born Global and 2 KIS internationalized), since our objective will be to apply, from individual cases, the strategies necessary for these companies to be lnternationalize quickly, being more competitive. These should be well targeted towards the three key building blocks that include the company's resources and capabilities, ie knowledge of the market, innovation and networks. Thus, these resources and capabilities could be developed in a dynamic and competitive way to improve their adaptability and flexibility towards the international arena, thus favoring their rapid internationalization.