Necesidades formativas en competencias estratégicas del profesorado que atiende alumnado con discapacidad auditiva

  1. Camacho Hermoso, María de la Cinta
Supervised by:
  1. Jesús Domingo Segovia Director
  2. Miguel Pérez Ferra Director

Defence university: Universidad de Jaén

Fecha de defensa: 27 July 2014

  1. Pilar Arnaiz Sánchez Chair
  2. José Antonio Torres González Secretary
  3. Pilar Gútiez Cuevas Committee member

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 371416 DIALNET lock_openRUJA editor


This research analyses the training and qualification on strategic competences of teachers working with students suffering from any type of hearing impairment. A mixed methodology is employed, using quantitative and qualitative methods. To compile the information, a questionnaire was designed for this study and validated by means of factor analysis and expert assessment. Semi-structured interviews, analyzed with the software NVivo 10, were also used. Conclusions reveal that teacher qualification is insufficient in certain methodological aspects, but in communicative competences. The profile of the teacher who takes training courses on hearing impairment is that of an experienced female civil servant. The main topic of these courses is Spanish Sign Language. There are statistically significant differences in terms of the teachers’ gender, although they are not noticeable in the interviews. While the discourse of the less experienced teachers focuses on training, that by the most experienced ones refers to strategies and competences.