
Herrera Viedma
Publications by the researcher in collaboration with Enrique Herrera Viedma (98)
A utility-based three-way group decision consensus model with overlapping subgroups
Information Sciences, Vol. 678
Crowd Decision Making: Sparse Representation Guided by Sentiment Analysis for Leveraging the Wisdom of the Crowd
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, Vol. 53, Núm. 1, pp. 369-379
Explainable Crowd Decision Making methodology guided by expert natural language opinions based on Sentiment Analysis with Attention-based Deep Learning and Subgroup Discovery
Information Fusion, Vol. 97
Introducing CSP Dataset: A Dataset Optimized for the Study of the Cold Start Problem in Recommender Systems
Information (Switzerland), Vol. 14, Núm. 1
A linguistic multi-criteria decision making methodology for the evaluation of tourist services considering customer opinion value
Applied Soft Computing, Vol. 101
Corrigendum to “Reciprocal Recommender Systems: Analysis of state-of-art literature, challenges and opportunities towards social recommendation” Information Fusion Volume 69 (2020) 103-127 (Information Fusion (2021) 69 (103–127), (S1566253520304267), (10.1016/j.inffus.2020.12.001))
Information Fusion
Profiling clients in the tourism sector using fuzzy linguistic models based on 2-tuples
Procedia Computer Science
Reciprocal Recommender Systems: Analysis of state-of-art literature, challenges and opportunities towards social recommendation
Information Fusion
Sentiment Analysis based Multi-Person Multi-criteria Decision Making methodology using natural language processing and deep learning for smarter decision aid. Case study of restaurant choice using TripAdvisor reviews
Information Fusion, Vol. 68, pp. 22-36
A context-aware embeddings supported method to extract a fuzzy sentiment polarity dictionary
Knowledge-Based Systems, Vol. 190
A phase change material selection using the interval-valued target-based BWM-CoCoMULTIMOORA approach: A case-study on interior building applications
Applied Soft Computing Journal, Vol. 95
New technique to alleviate the cold start problem in recommender systems using information from social media and random decision forests
Information Sciences, Vol. 536, pp. 156-170
Trust based fuzzy linguistic recommender systems as reinforcement for personalized education in the field of oral surgery and implantology
International Journal of Computers, Communications and Control, Vol. 15, Núm. 3
A risk-aware fuzzy linguistic knowledge-based recommender system for hedge funds
Procedia Computer Science
An automatic skills standardization method based on subject expert knowledge extraction and semantic matching
Procedia Computer Science
Web platform for learning distributed databases' queries processing
Procedia Computer Science
A feedback mechanism based on granular computing to improve consensus in GDM
Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing (Springer Verlag), pp. 371-390
A fuzzy linguistics supported model to measure the contextual bias in sentiment polarity
Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing
Adapting recommender systems to the new data privacy regulations
Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications
An embeddings based fuzzy linguistics supported model to measure the contextual bias in sentiment polarity
Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications