Publications by the researcher in collaboration with ANTONIO JESÚS RUEDA RUIZ (14)


  1. A Version Control System for Point Clouds

    Remote Sensing, Vol. 15, Núm. 18

  2. IberianVoxel: Automatic Completion of Iberian Ceramics for Cultural Heritage Studies

    IJCAI International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence

  3. Misperception of Visual Verticality Measured with a Virtual Reality Device in Patients with Fibromyalgia Syndrome: A Cross-Sectional Study

    Applied Sciences (Switzerland), Vol. 13, Núm. 19

  4. Nested spatial data structures for optimal indexing of LiDAR data

    ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Vol. 195, pp. 287-297


  1. SPSLiDAR: towards a multi-purpose repository for large scale LiDAR datasets

    International Journal of Geographical Information Science, Vol. 36, Núm. 5, pp. 992-1011

  2. Strategies for the Storage of Large LiDAR Datasets—A Performance Comparison

    Remote Sensing, Vol. 14, Núm. 11


  1. A simple algorithm for Boolean operations on polygons

    Advances in Engineering Software, Vol. 64, pp. 11-19


  1. Voxelización de sólidos mediante instanciación de geometría

    18th Spanish Computer Graphics Conference, CEIG 2008