Instituto IMDEA Agua-ko ikertzaileekin lankidetzan egindako argitalpenak (29)


  1. A hybrid photovoltaic-photochemical prototype for simultaneous energy generation and water purification in rural areas of Mexico

    2018 IEEE 7th World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion, WCPEC 2018 - A Joint Conference of 45th IEEE PVSC, 28th PVSEC and 34th EU PVSEC

  2. On the application of IoT for real-time monitoring of small stand-alone PV systems: Results from a new smart datalogger

    2018 IEEE 7th World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion, WCPEC 2018 - A Joint Conference of 45th IEEE PVSC, 28th PVSEC and 34th EU PVSEC

  3. Open -source technologies and IoT as a tool for meeting the challenge of mass-scale Solar Home Systems monitoring in developing countries

    2018 IEEE 7th World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion, WCPEC 2018 - A Joint Conference of 45th IEEE PVSC, 28th PVSEC and 34th EU PVSEC

  4. Optimization study of a photovoltaic-photochemical hybrid system (SOLWAT) for meeting the needs of electricity and clean water

    2018 IEEE 7th World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion, WCPEC 2018 - A Joint Conference of 45th IEEE PVSC, 28th PVSEC and 34th EU PVSEC

  5. Photovoltaic toy cars racing circuits as hands-on learning solar energy: Results from a Problem Based Learning (PBL) experience for undergraduates

    2018 IEEE 7th World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion, WCPEC 2018 - A Joint Conference of 45th IEEE PVSC, 28th PVSEC and 34th EU PVSEC

  6. Results from a first optimization study of a photovoltaic and solar disinfection system (SOLWAT) for simultaneous energy generation and water purification

    Energy Conversion and Management, Vol. 176, pp. 30-38

  7. Solar energy outreach activities for schoolchildren: Hands-on experiments on photovoltaics, solar thermal and solar water disinfection

    2018 IEEE 7th World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion, WCPEC 2018 - A Joint Conference of 45th IEEE PVSC, 28th PVSEC and 34th EU PVSEC