Manuel Casal Aguado y Alberto Lista, ilustres copistas de «El semejante a sí mismo» de Ruiz de Alarcón

  1. Santos de la Morena, Blanca 1
  1. 1 Universidad Complutense de Madrid

    Universidad Complutense de Madrid

    Madrid, España


Edad de oro

ISSN: 0212-0429

Year of publication: 2024

Volume: 43

Pages: 93-111

Type: Article

DOI: 10.15366/EDADORO2024.43.003 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openOpen access editor

More publications in: Edad de oro


This paper considers as a starting point the analysis of the two manuscript testimonies of El semejante a sí mismo, by Juan Ruiz de Alarcón. It proves that the first of them, which is preserved as part of a collection of comedies in the British Library, was copied by Manuel Casal y Aguado, a medic and playwright who used the pseudonym of Lucas Alemán. Likewise, it is proven that the other manuscript, preserved in the Library of the University of Seville, is due to the hand of Alberto Lista. In both cases, these authors are responsible for the copying of other works, in manuscripts that until now were anonymous, so that the finding is proposed as a starting point to deepen their work as transmitters of the theater of the Golden Age and to better understand the textual history of the comedies copied by them. In the last part of the work, both manuscripts are analyzed textually and put in relation to the edition made by Hartzenbusch. The data allow us to shed light on the textual history of El semejante a sí mismo and on Hartzenbusch’s actions as an editor of the theater of the Golden Age

Bibliographic References

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