La implicación política juveniluna explicación de la candidatura desde el modelo de voluntarismo cívico
Universidad de Granada
ISSN: 1130-6149
Any de publicació: 2024
Número: 29
Tipus: Article
Altres publicacions en: Recerca: revista de pensament i analisi
This article focuses on research on youth disengagement towards politics by asking about the political engagement of high involvement in members of youth sections of political parties. The purpose is to examine how resources, the civic voluntarism model and some sociodemographic variables help to explain political involvement, by candidacy. To answer the questions posed, a survey of members of youth sections of Spanish political parties is used. The logistic regression analysis reveals certain findings among which stand out: (i) the role of resources (time, status and free time) related to predict candidacy, (ii) the salience of previous membership in associations; (iii) a negative impact on candidature by the pathway to youth section by family recruitment.
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