Conocimiento probabilístico común y especializado de futuros profesores de secundaria al interpretar un informe sobre la COVID-19
- Rocío Álvarez-Arroyo 1
- María M. Gea 1
- Carmen Batanero 1
Universidad de Granada
ISSN: 0210-2773
Datum der Publikation: 2024
Titel der Ausgabe: Nuevas perspectivas sobre validación de instrumentos y escalas en educación
Ausgabe: 53
Nummer: 3
Seiten: 211-220
Art: Artikel
Andere Publikationen in: Aula abierta
An aim of probability teaching to develop students’ probabilistic reasoning, which needs adequate knowledge in the teachers in charge of teaching. This paper analyses the common and specialised mathematical knowledge in 66 prospective secondary and high school teachers. The proposed task involved applying their probabilistic literacy and reasoning when interpreting a news report on CO-VID-19 taken from the media. To assess their common knowledge, five probabilistic and decision-making questions (previously used with high school students) were asked about the article. To analyse their specialised knowledge, participants were asked to identify the mathematical objects required to solve the task. The results indicate good common probabilistic knowledge, with some problems in compound probability. Participants recognised a high number of mathematical concepts in the task with less ability to identify other objects and confusion between various types of objects. It concludes with the need to reinforce the prospective teachers’ probabilistic knowledge.
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