El nexo entre turismo, crecimiento y desarrollo económicoanálisis empírico a nivel regional en España

  1. Alcalá Ordóñez, Alejandro
Supervised by:
  1. Pablo Juan Cárdenas García Director

Defence university: Universidad de Jaén

Fecha de defensa: 23 February 2024

  1. Francisco José González Gómez Chair
  2. Francisca Jiménez Jiménez Secretary
  3. Rui Alexandre Marçal Dias Castanho Committee member

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 838535 DIALNET lock_openRUJA editor


This thesis focuses on the analysis between tourism, economic growth and economic development. As a starting point, a thorough literature review is carried out, studying the empirical contributions to date of tourism to growth and tourism to economic development. After providing the general outlines of the results, as well as the methodology used, the lack of analysis at the regional level is demonstrated. This aspect is considered fundamental, as the effects of tourism cannot be the same for an entire country. It is from this lack in the literature that the innovative point of this thesis arises. This approach is therefore based on the empirical analysis of the relationship between tourism, growth and economic development at the regional level in Spain. Prior to the empirical analysis, the indicators used to measure tourism are discussed, since, to date, there is no unanimity in this respect.