Aplicación de nuevas metodologías BIM a la tecnología de fabricación aditiva y moldeo por inyección de plástico

  1. Díaz Perete, Daniel
  1. Cristina Martín Doñate Zuzendaria
  2. Julio Terrados Cepeda Zuzendarikidea

Defentsa unibertsitatea: Universidad de Jaén

Fecha de defensa: 2024(e)ko martxoa-(a)k 14

  1. Elidia Beatriz Blázquez Parra Presidentea
  2. Ángel Jesús Molina Viedma Idazkaria
  3. Pedro Manuel Gonçalvez Silva Romano Kidea

Mota: Tesia

Teseo: 838561 DIALNET


The purpose of the presented doctoral thesis is the application and adaptation of BIM technology to additive manufacturing and plastic injection molding. The development of a methodology that links these new manufacturing methods for introduction into the BIM environment of geometries, considering the 3D dimension, as well as for the management of geometric data and associated attributes in the 4D dimension for construction projects. In other words, a methodology for importing/exporting and managing geometries and associated data for creating BIM elements using industrial manufacturing methods. It also involves the sustainable disposal of these elements, which will culminate in the integration of polymer material waste into the circular economy within the construction sector in the form of mortars.