Representación de la inmigración en la literatura diaspórica marroquí y en la prensa española
- Temsamani, Kamelia
- Rafael Alarcón Sierra Director
Universitat de defensa: Universidad de Jaén
Data de defensa: 22 de de gener de 2024
- Karima Hajjaj President/a
- Cristina Castillo Martínez Secretària
- Abdellatif Ghailani Vocal
Tipus: Tesi
The literature of the Moroccan diaspora offers a fresh look at the migratory fact and the difficulty that the integration of the individual in the new society entails, projected from the humanistic perspective and the literary sensitivity of the so-called frontier sons. This vision of the authors studied takes on a significant nuance, as they move away from all kinds of defamations disseminated by the official media and from the documentary character that prevails in many works that deal with the migratory phenomenon. The analysis carried out of the main analogous manifestations existing between literature and the press when portraying the migrated North African being has led me to understand from a holistic perspective that identity conflict suffered by the protagonists in their process of assimilation, adaptation and integration in the host society and everything what it entails in terms of obstacles.