Una estrategia metodológica para la optimización de procesos de producción de música POP, basada en modelos computacionales
- Rodriguez, Carlos Alberto 1
- López-Pelaez, Maria Paz 2
- Arambarri, Jon
- 1 Institución Universitaria Antonio José Camacho (Colombia)
Universidad de Jaén
ISSN: 2683-1597
Year of publication: 2020
Volume: 2
Issue: 2
Pages: 23-42
Type: Article
More publications in: Project Design and Management
The design of a methodological strategy composed of computational models, music technology and basic rules of harmonic composition is proposed. The strategy integrates different tools such as programming languages, design and reuse of algorithms and libraries for the extraction of strong characteristics to the samples produced by an interpreter, as well as the execution of discrete stochastic processes that generate melodies bounded by basic rules of music composition Pop. The fragments generated are converted into series that are subsequently reproduced in a controlled manner, by a MIDI device (Musical Instrument Digital Interface). To guarantee the integration of all the elements as a system that generates iterations, open control protocols are used between programming languages and tools that allow the interconnection and communication between the different technological components that make up the strategy. Once the melodic fragment generation process is completed, these are transmitted to an audio manager and copied to each channel of the manager in a standard MIDI type format.
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