The role of hydrogen in heavy transport to operate within planetary boundaries

  1. Valente, Antonio 1
  2. Tulus, Victor 1
  3. Galán-Martín, Ángel 1
  4. Huijbregts, Mark A. J. 1
  5. Guillén-Gosálbez, Gonzalo 1
  1. 1 Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich

    Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich

    Zúrich, Suiza


Verleger: Zenodo

Datum der Publikation: 2021

Art: Dataset


Dataset associated with the publication "The role of hydrogen in heavy transport to operate within planetary boundaries" by Antonio Valente, Victor Tulus, Galán-Martín, Mark A. J. Huijbregts, and Gonzalo Guillén-Gosálbez, available at The dataset includes the numeric data associated with the plots described in the main manuscript, as well as the tables presented in the main manuscript converted in a machine-readable format. The structure of the dataset is here elucidated sheet by sheet: <strong>Tables</strong>: tables 3 and 4, as reported in the main manuscript, with evolution considered for the main technical parameters and the values of the parameters used in the baseline, best and worst scenario. <strong>Plots</strong>: numerical values associated with figures 2, 3, and 4, as reported in the main manuscript.