Perfil competencial del profesorado andaluz en seguridad digitalEvaluación de la protección de datos y privacidad de acuerdo con el marco de competencias digitales para la ciudadanía (DigComp2.2)

  1. Rafael Villén Contreras 1
  2. Miriam Agreda Montoro 1
  3. Javier Rodríguez Moreno 1
  1. 1 Universidad de Jaén

    Universidad de Jaén

    Jaén, España


Pixel-Bit: Revista de medios y educación

ISSN: 1133-8482

Year of publication: 2024

Issue: 70

Pages: 123-142

Type: Article

DOI: 10.12795/PIXELBIT.104153 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openOpen access editor

More publications in: Pixel-Bit: Revista de medios y educación


The integration of electronically connected devices poses challenges and risks in terms of digital security. This article presents the findings of a study focused on assessing the digital competence of educators regarding the safeguarding of personal data,in accordance with the European framework DigComp 2.2. A total of 497 teachers from the Andalusian educational system participated in the study, responding to a questionnaire validated by experts on Digital Security Competence. This instrument, with a comprehensive approach and divided into four dimensions, specifically centers on the "Protection of Personal Data" dimension, encompassing 15 items. This approach enables us to understand the competency level of teachers during their performance. Significant disparities are observed in personal data protection associated with age, teaching experience, and training hours, suggesting that those who are older, have more experience, and possess higher levels of training achieve higher scores. In summary, Andalusian teachers participating in this study demonstrate a positive attitude toward security in protecting their personal data, although they exhibit deficiencies in the secure and responsible handling of their personal data during internet navigation.

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