La política migratoria canadiense y su incidencia en el marco normativo del continente europeo y americano en el período 2010-2022

Supervised by:
  1. Nicolás Pérez Sola Director

Defence university: Universidad de Jaén

Fecha de defensa: 21 December 2023

  1. Germán Silva García Chair
  2. Gerardo José Ruiz-Rico Ruiz Secretary
  3. María Elisa García López Committee member

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 831219 DIALNET


Trough this research, it is evident how the world has been confronted with massive migrations, with Canada standing out as an example in the formulation of immigration policies, designing programs for migrants from all continents, offering opportunities to settle in its territory, while United States strengthens its more restrictive policies for this population. Europe also faces this complex migration situation, largely driven by Syrian conflict and forced displacements from Venezuela, which has had a significant impact on receiving countries, leading to unforeseen challenges as seen in Ceuta and Melilla in 2015-2016 Following a comprehensive analysis of immigration policies and reviewing legal, academic, and historical literature in the American and European continents, it is concluded that there is a pressing need to formulate international programs focused on preventing and resolving the underlying causes that give rise to it.