Evaluation of pro-regenerative and anti-inflammatory effects of isolecanoric acid in the musclepotential treatment of duchenne muscular dystrophy
- Amelia Aranega Jiménez Directora
- Francisco Hernandez Torres Codirector
Universidad de defensa: Universidad de Jaén
Fecha de defensa: 22 de diciembre de 2023
- Rubén Artero Allepuz Presidente/a
- Jorge Nicolás Domínguez Macías Secretario
- Mónica Suelves Esteban Vocal
Tipo: Tesis
Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is a degenerative muscle disease caused by the lack of dystrophin protein, resulting in progressive muscle degeneration, chronic inflammation and replacement of muscle by fibroadipose tissue. GSK-3ß inhibition has been associated with benefits in myogenic differentiation and modulation of inflammatory processes. In this study, the pro-regenerative and anti-inflammatory properties of isolecanoric acid (ILA), a natural GSK-3ß inhibitory compound, were investigated in the context of DMD. The results showed that ILA promotes myogenic differentiation and enhances the myogenic potential of muscle stem cells. Furthermore, ILA enhanced muscle regeneration in dystrophic mice, improving functional performance and mitigating fibrosis after muscle damage. In summary, ILA was shown to modulate both inflammation and muscle regeneration, offering potential therapeutic benefits in DMD.