Análisis citogenético y molecular en especies del género talpa (insectivora;talpidae)

Supervised by:
  1. Antonio Sánchez Baca Director
  2. Gaël Aleix Mata Co-director
  3. Juan Alberto Marchal Ortega Co-director

Defence university: Universidad de Jaén

Fecha de defensa: 10 November 2023

  1. María Dolores López León Chair
  2. Pedro Lorite Martínez Secretary
  3. Inmaculada López Flores Committee member

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 830550 DIALNET


We have described the karyotype of T. aquitania for the first time. Apart from differences in the Y chromosome and some autosomal pairs, we have demonstrated its similarity with the karyotypes of other species in the genus. Comparison of the karyotype of three Talpa species using FISH and chromosome painting showed that LINE1 repeated sequences are widely distributed, although they accumulate in pericentromeric regions, heterochromatic blocks of chromosomes, and Y chromosomes, which are highly conserved. We have characterized the T. aquitania satellitome, which represents 1.24% of the genome and contains 16 different families, mostly present with different abundance in other Talpa species. Using FISH, we have verified that some satellite DNA is preferably located in heterochromatic regions. We have described the mitogenomes of Talpa occidentalis and Talpa aquitania, demonstrating that they differ in the repetition of the D-Loop region and are similar to other mammalian mitogenomes.