Autonomía de la voluntad y renuncia unilateral en el ámbito de los derechos fundamentales y en el ámbito familiar

Supervised by:
  1. Gerardo José Ruiz-Rico Ruiz Director

Defence university: Universidad de Jaén

Fecha de defensa: 20 March 2023

  1. María Corona Quesada González Chair
  2. Nicolás Pérez Sola Secretary
  3. Luca Mezzetti Committee member

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 819925 DIALNET


The purpose of this research project is to analyze the act of unilateral resignation in various areas of spanish law. Specifically, the resignation will be analyzed in its consideration as a manifestation of the autonomy of the will, leaving aside the resignations contained in the contractual scope. For this, it will go from a study of this topic in the civil doctrine on personality rights, to analyze if its regulation can be applied to fundamental rights and to family rights. The purpose of this thesis resides in the need to cover an important doctrinal gap in an area as relevant as the game of the autonomy of the will, in those situations in which the subject, autonomously and independently of third parties, a person decides not to exercise his right or to waive it expressly without external conditions.