How to reduce the supply of nutrients to the soil, increase water reserves, and mitigate climate change

  1. Cano-Ortiz, A.
  2. Piñar Fuentes, J.C.
  3. Leiva Gea, F.
  4. Ighbareyeh, J.M.H.
  5. Quinto Canas, R.J.
  6. Rodrigues Meireles, C.I.
  7. Raposo, M.
  8. Pinto Gomes, C.J.
  9. Spampinato, G.
  10. del Río González, S.
  11. Musarella, C.M.
  12. Cano, E.
Agroforestry for Carbon and Ecosystem Management

ISBN: 9780323958752

Year of publication: 2023

Pages: 223-232

Type: Book chapter

DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-323-95393-1.00016-6 GOOGLE SCHOLAR