Prevalencia de las lesiones cutáneas relacionadas con la dependencia en residencias de mayores y centros sociosanitarios de Españaresultados del 6º Estudio Nacional del GNEAUPP 2022

  1. Joan Enric Torra-Bou 1
  2. J Javier Soldevilla-Agreda
  3. Pedro L Pancorbo-Hidalgo 2
  4. María Dolores López-Franco 2
  5. Francisco P García-Fernández 2
  1. 1 Universitat de Vic-Universitat Central de Catalunya. Vic
  2. 2 Universidad de Jaén

    Universidad de Jaén

    Jaén, España


Gerokomos: Revista de la Sociedad Española de Enfermería Geriátrica y Gerontológica

ISSN: 1134-928X

Year of publication: 2023

Volume: 34

Issue: 4

Pages: 269-276

Type: Article

More publications in: Gerokomos: Revista de la Sociedad Española de Enfermería Geriátrica y Gerontológica


Abstract Objectives: To obtain the prevalence figures of dependence-related skin lesions (DRSL) in Spanish nursing homes and long term care centres (NH-LTCC). To analyse the demographic and clinical characteristics of people with DRSL and lesions. Methodology: Observational, cross-sectional, epidemiological survey-type study (6th National Prevalence Study), aimed at all NHC-LTCC in Spain. Data collection by means of a secure on-line form. Variables: characteristics of hospitals and units, patients admitted, patients with each type of DRSL, classification of lesions. Overall and adjusted crude prevalence was estimated by hospital and by type of unit. Results: Data were obtained from 74 NHC-LTCC. Only 9.5% of the centres reported not having any person with DRSL in their care at the time of data collection. The overall prevalence of DRSL was 9.28% (95%IC, 5.45-6.71); 3% higher than in the previous study. The prevalence figures for each type of injury were: pressure 6.05%, moisture 2.35%, friction 1.35%, skin tears 2.38%. combined 0.61%. This represents an increase in all but combined injuries. The prevalence of all DRSLs was higher in the public centres than in the state and private centres. The 85.2% of the DRSLs were of nosocomial origin (originating in a nursing home or other residential institution) and only 10.9% originated at home. Conclusions: The prevalence of DRSL in nursing homes is among the highest in this type of centre in the historical series of studies carried out in Spain by the GNEAUPP. This higher prevalence could be explained by the situation in which many have been left after the COVID pandemic and a relaxation in the prevention programmes implemented. There are statistically significant differences between the prevalence of DRSL depending on the ownership of the centres, the lowest being private, but their low participation could lead us to think that only the most motivated centres have participated and that the real situation may be worse in these centres.

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