Reflexiones sobre Pedro Machuca, pintor, y las "águilas" del Renacimiento español

  1. Mercedes Simal López coord.

Publisher: UJA Editorial ; Universidad de Jaén

ISBN: 9788491595670

Year of publication: 2023

Type: Book


The book brings together the studies of different experts who, in an interdisciplinary way, have delved into the facet of Pedro Machuca as a painter, contributing small key novelties for the study of the work of this great artist, known above all for having built the Palace of Charles V. His stay in Italy, during which he became acquainted with the works of Raphael —to whom he was an assistant in the Vatican—, Michelangelo and Leonardo, as well as the contact he had with the disciples of these great masters who initiated the Mannerist style, enabled him to shape an innovative style that led him to be considered one of the “eagles” of the Spanish Renaissance.