An Examination of Differences in Detected Versus Undetected Child-to-Parent Violence in Spanish Justice and Community Youth Samples
Universidad de Jaén
ISSN: 0093-8548, 1552-3594
Year of publication: 2024
Type: Article
More publications in: Criminal Justice and Behavior
The number of crimes related to child-to-parent violence (CPV) has increased in recent years. Most cases are undetected. This is the first study to compare CPV-justice involved youth (CPV-JI/detected CPV) and CPV non-justice involved youth (CPV non-JI/undetected CPV), with the aim of examining differences in risk factors and pattern of violence. The sample included 306 Spanish youth (229 males, 77 females) aged 14 to 19 years: 83 CPV-JI, 105 CPV non-JI, and 115 non-CPV. The results show a worse individual, family, and social profile in CPV-JI youth compared with CPV non-JI youth, and in the latter compared with non-CPV youth. Undetected aggressors were more similar to detected aggressors than to non-aggressors. In addition, CPV-JI youth had higher scores in CPV-Q than CPV non-JI youth. The CPV-Q score that best classified detected versus undetected aggressors is 16 to 17 points, proving to be a useful instrument in classifying different types of CPV aggressors.
Funding information
This research was funded by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness of Spain and the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund
- PSI2015- 65950-R
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