La función notarial ante la intervención de las personas con discapacidad en el expediente notarial de reclamación de deudas y su extensión a la reclamación de vivienda dentro del concepto de alimentos

  1. Luis Javier Gutiérrez Jerez
Actualidad jurídica iberoamericana

ISSN: 2386-4567

Datum der Publikation: 2024

Nummer: 20

Seiten: 106-129

Art: Artikel

Andere Publikationen in: Actualidad jurídica iberoamericana


The reform of Spanish notarial legislation brought about by Law 8/2021 of 2 June on the reform of civil and procedural legislation to support people with disabilities in the exercise of their legal capacity has affected the notarial debt claim procedure in that it does not restrict the legal standing of people with disabilities to request it. When the debts have their origin in a claim for maintenance and the use of the dwelling is agreed in them, this file will be extended accordingly to the claim for the dwelling, which means giving it a much broader character, which goes beyond the simple object of claiming a credit, given the special configuration that the right to the use of a dwelling has, both from the perspective of the person with disabilities and from the perspective of the usefulness of the file as an alternative to the ordinary judicial process.

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